As a trained welder and fabricator Georgina has a background in welded steel Sculpture.
Whale Tail
This is a current ongoing commission. Work in progress.
Showing tail suspended.
Initial framework constructed of plywood.
Through my fascination with organic and man-made monsters of the sea I have fabricated this new morphed creature “Morph”. My interest lies specifically with Whales and Submarines (the most powerful) and how they have evolved or been engineered. Their form is purely for their specific function and how these two elements could be combined to morph into a new creature/structure.
When whales are killed/captured at sea they are suspended by their tails in this way. This is a powerful image where such a huge animal is rendered defenceless, as defenceless as a submarine out of water. Two nautical monsters vulnerable and powerless.
The construction of “Morph” began with a life size drawing then a plywood frame to support the aluminium shell. Separate aluminium plates were drilled and riveted together and attached to the frame. These plates represent scales of deep sea creatures, the engineering of submarines and the light weight construction of traditional aircraft. Suspended by a steel support where the sculpture can suspend and possibly gently sway as onboard a ship, tidal water rocking to and fro.
Detail of riveted sections to tail.
Full view of Morph and stand.
Weird Thing. This recent three dimensional work has evolved from her Submarine Monoprints of morphed sea creatures and the industrial structures of Submarines.
scale drawings of weird thing
To prepare for the larger scale steel sculptures Georgina produces small scale ceramic maquettes.
public art/commissions
Georgina has won many private, corporate and public Sculpture Commissions across the U.K. Her additional background in Architectural and Spacial Design assists with designing to an individual breif and budget as well as understanding the construction and installation requirements.